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“Laundromat” by Ai Weiwei

  9.01.2017   bohrensart   Storage   No comments

Storage & Transportation
“Laundromat,” by the famous Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, addresses the current refugee crisis. The installation (Deitch Projects, NYC) features racks of actual clothing and shoes taken from refugee camps housing Syrian immigrants. Bohren’s received numerous overseas containers, stored the contents, and delivered them to the gallery for installation.

“Gaga’s Workshop” – Barneys NY

Deinstallation, Packing & Storage
Barneys NY turned over an unprecedented 5,500 square feet of retail space on the fifth floor so that Lady Gaga and her fashion director could create something that defines the pop icon’s style for Christmas holiday shoppers. Bohren’s assisted in the deinstallation and move from Barneys NY to our warehouse for storage.